Sell Your Land For Cash

How Simple is It?

  1. We make a preliminary offer based on publicly available information which is generally a conservative amount. You are free to counter our offer.

  2. When we agree on the preliminary offer, we will perform our due diligence, including taking a closer look at the physical characteristics of the property, access, potential flood areas, taxes, utilities and so forth. Once we are ready to proceed, we will sign a one page purchase agreement in order to begin our title search.

  3. We check for a clean title and try to solve any issues with ownership, liens. There are circumstances when we need to renegotiate due to high taxes or other issue. This is uncommon but possible.

  4. Once the property title is free of all issues (if any), then our title company will schedule a closing date with you, email you a closing package and confirm how you want to receive your cash, by wire or check. You can mail the sign and notarized closing documents back to the title company at no cost to you.

  5. Depending on the method you choose, the money is in your possession within a day and the land title is in our name.

This process takes approximately 30 days but can be completed much sooner.